Nail fungusorOnykolisis- A common problem found in many people. It refers to the diseases of the nail plate and can cause serious problems if it is not detected and treated on time. At the same time, nail injury can imitate the symptoms of the fungus and cause confusion in the diagnosis. ButHowsameDistinguishNail fungus-fromInjuries? The main signs of fungal damage to the nail is a change in the color, texture and shape of the nail plate. The fungus often leads to a yellow, brown or greenish look in the affected nail. In addition, the nail may become thicker or fragile. It is important to note that the fungus usually touches several angles on the legs or hands and can spread to adjacent skin areas. On the other side,injuryIt can lead to a change in nail appearance, but usually only one nail is striking, which is subjected to punch or pressure. For example, if you had a nail damage due to a heavy fall, the nail can change the color, become wavy or cracks. It is important to pay attention to the fact that when nail injury, there is usually no other nail or skin damage. It can be difficult to distinguish between nail fungus from injury, as nail growth and appearance can be a sign of fungal infection and injury. However, many basic features can help determine the causes of the problem. One of the main signs of nail fungus is onicholysis, ie peeling of the nail plate from the nail bed. In the event of injury, such exfoliation cannot be damaged and the nail may be damaged or can be cracks that differ from the changes caused by the fungus. Nail fungus can cause changes in the appearance of the nail, such as color change, source, peeling or deformation. In the event of injury, the nail plate can maintain its natural color and shape, but may be injured or traces of injury. It is recommended that you consult a dermatologist or mycologist, a fungal infection specialist, to determine the cause of the problem. The doctor can examine your nails, make an anointing for analysis, or perform it to determine the presence of fungal infection or injury. Bottom line: It can be difficult to distinguish from nail fungus injuries, but signs such as onony chlorination and nail appearance can help to determine the causes of the problem. You need to consult a dermatologist or mycologist for more accurate diagnosis. It may be difficult to determine the cause of the nail plate change on the legs, so it is recommended to consult a dermatologist or pediatrician to make accurate diagnosis and proper treatment. The nail petal fungus is often confused with leg injury. In order to properly diagnose, there are many basic features that help distinguish the fungus from injury. Onycholysis is the local discharge of the nail plate from the nail bed. At the same time, the nails often get a convex shape and have a yellow, orange or brown shade. Such changes are the first sign of the presence of fungus. If you suspect the presence of a nail fungus, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist or mycologist to make a professional diagnosis and to prescribe treatment. If you are suspected of nail fungus, it is important to make an accurate diagnosis to determine the correct treatment. Many methods can help that, unlike other problems, such as injuries or onkolisis. One of the first steps in diagnosis of nail fungus is visual examination. The doctor analyzes the structure and color of the nail and assesses its condition and external signs. Fungal infections of the nails are often the color change (such as a yellow or greenish shade), thickening of the nail plate, the appearance of white spots and combs on the nail surface. Separate symptoms may indicate other problems, so visual examination should not be sufficient to determine the diagnosis. If the visual examination is not sufficient to determine the presence of the fungus, the doctor can take a sample of the nail with a microscope and examine it. The microscopic method allows you to detect fungal elements (GIF or disputes), which may indicate the presence of fungal infection. This method is quite fast and easy, although its results are not always quite accurate and reliable. More accurate and reliable methods of diagnosis of nail fungus can include sowing a nutrient medium or PCR diagnostics (polymerase chain reaction) that allows you to determine the exact type of fungus and to determine sensitivity to various drugs. However, these methods usually require more time and financial resources. Onykolesis is a condition of the nail in which the nail bed is detached from the nail plate. Visually, onykolesis can be very similar to nail fungus, but the causes and treatment of these conditions are different. The main difference between nail fungus and onykolesis is the causes of development. The nail fungus is caused by a fungal infection that sits under the nail plate and begins to destroy it. The result of onicholysis nail damage, such as traumatic detachment of the bed from the nail plate. Another way to distinguish nail fungus is the analysis of symptoms. Nail fungus can be used to observe the color of the nail color (often yellowish or green), the thickness and texture of the nail plate, the nail can be fragile and fragile. With onykolesis, the problems of the nail are usually limited to exfoliation of the box, without changing the color or structure of the nail plate. If you suspect a nail fungus or ony chlorination, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist. Examine the nails, maybe buy a smear for further analysis. By using microscopic or nutrient sowing, your doctor will be able to determine whether you have fungal problems with nails or ony chlorisation. In any case, the condition of the nails should be taken into account and, in the case of the first suspicion of the nail fungus or ononkolisation, do not set the way to the doctor. Only a qualified specialist will be able to make the correct diagnosis and write effective treatment.The main features and methods of diagnostics
The nail onicholysis
Changes in the appearance of nail
How to distinguish nail fungus from injury:
Nail fungus:
Nail injury:
How to determine the nail fungus:
Onykolesis legs: What is this?
The difference between mushrooms and foot damage:
Nail Fungus Diagnostic Methods:
Visual control
How to distinguish nail fungus from onykolis